noun- a rough or unfinished drawing or painting, often made to assist in making a more finished picture: a charcoal sketch.
I'm so excited! Some of the dresses I have been planning in the vintage
style are almost finished! I neglected to take pictures of them when I
last visited my grandmother's house for a fitting so instead I can
share the sketches I made of my wardrobe-to-be:
Top- Coral sheath dress with white yoke. Bottom- Shirt waist dress- tan and beige pinstripe with cream colored cuffs and collar.
Top- Blue day dress. Bottom- sun dress, white polka dots (vintage 1960s) with black lapel & waistband detail (added). |
Top- light blue and white pinstripe skirt. Middle- light pink skirt (add bow sash?). Bottom- bright purple high waist skirt with bow. |
Top left- as yet colorless kick pleat dress. Top right- red sailor dress. Bottom left- navy and white wide striped nautical skirt. Bottom right- tritone dress, but maybe a solid color instead. |
So yeah, things are moving along. The first two dresses and the polka dot dress are almost finished
then the next projects are the blue day dress (altho I need to figure out if the fabric I want to use is going to work, there might not be enough) and the blue/white pinstripe skirt. The other ones I still need to find fabric/patterns for. But I'm having lots of fun designing my new 50's/60's inspired closet. Let me know if you want to know the pattern numbers :)
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