free from disturbance; calm : her tranquil gaze | the sea was tranquil.
I hesitate to admit this but... it is true that I enjoy traveling through Europe more than I enjoy touring the United States. While I am a little bit ashamed that I have seen so little of my own country, I am simply much more drawn to the sights abroad. Whenever I travel thru Europe I am always struck by the amazing architectural sights that are present in almost every city. And the history, ah...the histories are so rich. Anndd...time for another confession- I love monarchies! The stories of royal families- they are so filled with romance and thrilling. Seeing the luxuriant opulent places where they lived and spent their lives is one of my favorite stops on a European tour. The best is when I can visit places that combine beautiful architecture, a fascinating history, AND some aspect of the life of a monarch! Here are a few pictures to demonstrate...
Majesty (ˈmajəstē) noun
1 impressive stateliness, dignity, or beauty : experience the majesty of the Rockies.
2 royal power : the majesty of the royal household.
Grace (grās) noun
-Simple elegance or refinement of movement : she moved through the water with effortless grace.
Power (ˈpou(-ə)r) noun
1 the ability to do something or act in a particular way, esp. as a faculty or quality : the power of speech | [with infinitive ] the power to raise the dead | ( powers) his powers of concentration.
2 the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events : the idea that men should have power over women | she had me under her power.
It was not until this trip however that I also realized the incredible beauty of nature. This realization came upon me in Ireland when we went to the Cliffs of Moher. In person the cliffs were towering, powerful, majestic, graceful, breathtaking, enchanting...everything that a picture can not completely capture. But attempt to capture I did as I snapped picture after picture of various angles and aspects of the cliffs.
But then, when I looked down into the gray-blue water, I realized that the true beauty of the natural landscape is found in its tranquility. As the waves crashed at the base of the cliffs in their steady rhythm, a wonderful sense of peace descended upon me. I was mesmerized by the water. The waves came towards me as the wind blew sideways, creating little ripples and eddies that I could have watched for hours..another thing that the camera can’t completely capture :) Part of this fascination was because we had been spending the majority of our time in busy cities and I was glad for this foray into the countryside, away from the noise. But the other side of this mesmerize-ment was due to the overwhelming calm that arose out of the strange amalgam of raw power, bitter cold, and desolate view that are these cliffs. It was then that I stopped trying to take pictures and instead let the peace of the cliffs surround me, watching the water and listening to the wind fill me with a sense of the true beauty of nature.
free from disturbance; calm : her tranquil gaze | the sea was tranquil.
I hesitate to admit this but... it is true that I enjoy traveling through Europe more than I enjoy touring the United States. While I am a little bit ashamed that I have seen so little of my own country, I am simply much more drawn to the sights abroad. Whenever I travel thru Europe I am always struck by the amazing architectural sights that are present in almost every city. And the history, ah...the histories are so rich. Anndd...time for another confession- I love monarchies! The stories of royal families- they are so filled with romance and thrilling. Seeing the luxuriant opulent places where they lived and spent their lives is one of my favorite stops on a European tour. The best is when I can visit places that combine beautiful architecture, a fascinating history, AND some aspect of the life of a monarch! Here are a few pictures to demonstrate...
Majesty (ˈmajəstē) noun
1 impressive stateliness, dignity, or beauty : experience the majesty of the Rockies.
2 royal power : the majesty of the royal household.
Buckingham Palace |
Grace (grās) noun
-Simple elegance or refinement of movement : she moved through the water with effortless grace.
Westminster Abbey |
Power (ˈpou(-ə)r) noun
1 the ability to do something or act in a particular way, esp. as a faculty or quality : the power of speech | [with infinitive ] the power to raise the dead | ( powers) his powers of concentration.
2 the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events : the idea that men should have power over women | she had me under her power.
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Edinburgh Castle |
It was not until this trip however that I also realized the incredible beauty of nature. This realization came upon me in Ireland when we went to the Cliffs of Moher. In person the cliffs were towering, powerful, majestic, graceful, breathtaking, enchanting...everything that a picture can not completely capture. But attempt to capture I did as I snapped picture after picture of various angles and aspects of the cliffs.
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O'Brien's Tower |
But then, when I looked down into the gray-blue water, I realized that the true beauty of the natural landscape is found in its tranquility. As the waves crashed at the base of the cliffs in their steady rhythm, a wonderful sense of peace descended upon me. I was mesmerized by the water. The waves came towards me as the wind blew sideways, creating little ripples and eddies that I could have watched for hours..another thing that the camera can’t completely capture :) Part of this fascination was because we had been spending the majority of our time in busy cities and I was glad for this foray into the countryside, away from the noise. But the other side of this mesmerize-ment was due to the overwhelming calm that arose out of the strange amalgam of raw power, bitter cold, and desolate view that are these cliffs. It was then that I stopped trying to take pictures and instead let the peace of the cliffs surround me, watching the water and listening to the wind fill me with a sense of the true beauty of nature.
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